Pillsbury Forward
Outreach Worker DeAndre Neal worked with UAct partner, Chris Richmond, to assist his newly formed group Pillsbury Forward to canvass Pillsbury area neighborhoods with information on a community forum to discuss solutions to the unique problems of this area.
LEVITT Music Festival
Beginning in 2020, UAct contracted with Downtown Springfield Inc & partners to use Neighborhood Outreach Workers to conduct outreach for the downtown Levitt Music Series held every Thursday night on the “Y Block” in Springfield. DSI and UAct funded a campaign to utilize our two Outreach Workers, DeAndre Neal and Aaron Pinkston-El and Organizational Partner,[…]
Springfield Mass Transit District
In our first Partner Campaign in 2019, Friends of Transit, SMTD, and the Urban Action Network teamed up to assist SMTD assess their new route system. With input from the partners, UAct developed a 14-question survey that included rider demographics and satisfaction questions. Ninety-six individual riders were surveyed and their feedback provided SMTD with helpful information[…]