Urban Action Network Past Projects


Neighborhood Beautification

REAP kicked off its neighborhood beautification efforts on April 25, 2018 in celebration of Earth Day by cleaning up the area and planting flowers around MLK and South Grand Avenue. Neighborhood beautification was identified during the REAP engagement sessions as a top priority. Aaron Pinkston-El was selected as our beautification leader and MLK Boulevard between Cook[…]

Kiwanis Park Improvement Project

S.H.A.R.E United and FCC join forces to urge the creation of an active public space at Kiwanis Park designed for local area residents. UAct President developed an informal survey to assess area resident needs and wants regarding Kiwanis Park. Team Reap and S.H.A.R.E United canvassed the area in one day with 62 respondents representing 160[…]

Kiwanis Park Movie Night

In partnership with UAct, the Family Communications Centers and S.H.A.R.E. United, the Springfield Park District hosted a Movie Night on August 3, 2018 at Kiwanis Park featuring Black Panther.

Approximately 100 people young and old enjoyed the movie, free popcorn provided by UAct, and concessions by Andrew Cornett. Pre-movie activities hosted by UAct, FCC and S.H.A.R.E.[…]

Poplar Place Garden Project

As a founding Board member of genHkids, UAct President facilitated a dialogue about working more closely together. Those conversations led to a partnership to revitalize genH’s community garden at Poplar Place.

Team REAP and FCC participated in the Garden Work Day kick-off event on July 19, 2018 that featured genH-sponsored salsa and dip making, a bee[…]

Lake Victoria Clean Up

Team REAP helped main organizer, Germaine Jones and his S.H.A.R.E United group, clean-up Lake Victoria on June 9th, 2018.

Ten bags of garbage were removed from the shoreline, walking path and under the bridge along with a shopping cart, a toy trike and other unsightly trash. Plus two benches received a needed fresh coat of paint.


REAP-FCC Partnership

UAct formally partnered with the Family Communications Center (FCC), a nonprofit, 501(C)3, organization founded and directed by Allissa Hall. FCC’s mission is to enrich the lives of children, youth and families by providing a safe, conflict-free environment; promoting positive parenting, healthy individuals and communities. UAct and Alissa also worked together in 2016 and 2017 when[…]